PLC at Work Institute®

Madison, WI | July 24–26, 2024 

Day 1

Wednesday, July 24th

6:308:00 a.m.


Location: Capitol Promenade 

Continental Breakfast

Location: Grand Terrace 

8:009:45 a.m.

KeynoteBuilding the House Where All Can and Will Learn: The Foundations of a Professional Learning Community

Heather Friziellie

Location: Exhibit Hall AB 

9:4510:00 a.m.


10:0011:30 a.m.

Breakout Sessions

Casey AhnerAre We Collaborating, Coordinating, Cooperating, or Coblaborating?  

Location: Hall of Ideas F

Jack BaldermannInspiring Your Team to a PLC Championship: Effective Implementation Ideas and Practices to Increase Student Learning and Staff Engagement 

Location: Meeting Room L

Tim BrownBuilding a Commitment to Learning in Students  

Location: Madison Ballroom D 

Heather FriziellieCultivating Educator Wellness for Leading and Living the PLC Life!  

Location: Madison Ballroom AB

Aaron HansenOwning Their Learning: Rethinking Students’ Role in Intervention and Extension 

Location: Hall of Ideas E  

Michelle MarrilliaThe Case for Coaches in a Professional Learning Community  

Location: Hall of Ideas G 

Anthony MuhammadCollaboration Is a Lifestyle, Not a Meeting! 

Location: Exhibit Hall AB  

Eric TwadellThrough New Eyes: Examining the Culture of Your School  

Location: Madison Ballroom C   

Jonathan G. Vander ElsAssess for Impact! Prioritizing the Essentials in a PLC 

Location: Meeting Room K   

11:30 a.m.1:00 p.m.

Lunch (on your own)

1:00–2:30 p.m.

Breakout Sessions

Casey AhnerServing Special Education Students: As Easy As Riding a Bike  

Location: Hall of Ideas F

Jack BaldermannMotivating Disengaged Students: Supporting Champions of Hope and Learning for All 

Location: Meeting Room L

Tim BrownHow to Build Student Ownership, Motivation, and Efficacy Through the Four Questions of a Collaborative Team

Location: Madison Ballroom D 

Heather FriziellieThe Conundrum: Balancing Life and Leadership  

Location: Madison Ballroom AB

Aaron HansenHeroes Within: A PLC Framework for Empowering Students to Own Their Learning Journey Through Hope, Self-Efficacy, and Motivation  

Location: Hall of Ideas E  

Michelle MarrilliaRising to the Challenge: High Needs, Bold Impact  

Location: Hall of Ideas G 

Anthony MuhammadTransforming School Culture: New Insights  

Location: Exhibit Hall AB 

Eric TwadellSocial and Emotional Learning in a PLC at Work 

Location: Madison Ballroom C  

Jonathan G. Vander ElsThe Foundation for Change: Focusing on the Four Pillars in a PLC at Work  

Location: Meeting Room K   

2:302:45 p.m.


2:453:45 p.m.

Concurrent SessionAssessment Is the Engine!  

Tom Schimmer

Location: Madison Ballroom AB

Concurrent SessionPanel DiscussionPresenters answer your most pressing questions. 

Location: Exhibit Hall AB 

7:008:00 a.m.


Location: Lakeside Commons 

Continental Breakfast

Location: Grand Terrace 

8:009:45 a.m.

KeynoteThe Way Forward: PLC at Work and the Bright Future of Education  

Anthony Muhammad

Location: Exhibit Hall AB 

9:4510:00 a.m.


10:0011:30 a.m.

Breakout Sessions

Casey AhnerData Rules! Using Student Data to Inform Effective Instruction, Remediation, and Enrichment   

Location: Hall of Ideas F

Jack BaldermannInspiring Your Team to a PLC Championship: Effective Implementation Ideas and Practices to Increase Student Learning and Staff Engagement 

Location: Madison Ballroom A

Tim BrownDeveloping Shared Leadership: Forming Your Guiding Coalition 

Location: Madison Ballroom D 

Heather FriziellieRaising the Bar and Closing the Gap: Whatever It Takes in Elementary Schools 

Location: Madison Ballroom B

Aaron HansenRaising the Bar and Closing the Gap: Whatever It Takes in Secondary Schools 

Location: Hall of Ideas E  

Michelle MarrilliaThe Case for Coaches in a Professional Learning Community  

Location: Hall of Ideas G 

Anthony MuhammadFrom PLC Lite to PLC Right! 

Location: Exhibit Hall AB 

Eric TwadellGrading and Reporting for Learning: The Five Stages of Evidence-Based Grading   

Location: Madison Ballroom C  

Jonathan G. Vander ElsGetting Together, Sticking Together, and Advancing Learning Together  

Location: Meeting Room K   

11:30 a.m.1:00 p.m.

Lunch (on your own)

1:002:30 p.m.

Breakout Sessions

Casey AhnerAre We Collaborating, Coordinating, Cooperating, or Coblaborating? 

Location: Hall of Ideas F

Jack BaldermannPLCs, Strategic Leadership, and Outstanding Results 

Location: Madison Ballroom A

Tim BrownGrading: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly  

Location: Madison Ballroom D 

Heather FriziellieYes We Can! Moving Beyond Labels Through the Partnership Between General and Special Educators  

Location: Madison Ballroom B

Aaron HansenHow to Develop PLCs for Singletons and Small Schools  

Location: Hall of Ideas E  

Michelle MarrilliaDo Common Formative Assessments Change Your Practice? Turning Data Into Successful Secondary Classroom Instruction  

Location: Hall of Ideas G 

Anthony MuhammadOvercoming the Achievement Gap Trap: Liberating Mindsets to Effect Change 

Location: Exhibit Hall AB 

Eric TwadellUsing AI Tools to Facilitate Better Teaching and Learning   

Location: Madison Ballroom C  

Vimeo Link:

Password (case sensitive): SolutionTree2024!

Jonathan G. Vander ElsThe Foundation for Change: Focusing on the Four Pillars in a PLC at Work  

Location: Meeting Room K   

2:302:45 p.m.


2:453:45 p.m.

Team TimePresenters aid in your collaborative team discussions. 

Location: Exhibit Hall AB 

7:008:00 a.m.

Continental Breakfast

Location: Grand Terrace 

8:009:30 a.m.

Breakout Sessions

Casey AhnerData Rules! Using Student Data to Inform Effective Instruction, Remediation, and Enrichment  

Location: Hall of Ideas F

Jack BaldermannMotivating Disengaged Students: Supporting Champions of Hope and Learning for All  

Location: Madison Ballroom A

Tim BrownBuilding a Commitment to Learning in Students   

Location: Madison Ballroom D 

Heather FriziellieBraving Difficult Conversations 

Location: Madison Ballroom B

Aaron HansenHeroes Within: A PLC Framework for Empowering Students to Own Their Learning Journey Through Hope, Self-Efficacy, and Motivation   

Location: Hall of Ideas E  

Michelle MarrilliaRising to the Challenge: High Needs, Bold Impact  

Location: Hall of Ideas G 

Anthony MuhammadBuilding Commitment and Overcoming Frustration on Your PLC Journey  

Location: Exhibit Hall AB 

Eric TwadellLeadership Matters: Four Essential Conversations for District, School, and Team Leaders  

Location: Madison Ballroom C  

Jonathan G. Vander ElsGetting Together, Sticking Together, and Advancing Learning Together   

Location: Meeting Room K   

9:309:45 a.m.


9:4511:45 a.m.

KeynoteBeyond PLC Lite: Digging Deeper Into the Three Big Ideas of a Professional Learning Community at Work  

Eric Twadell

Location: Exhibit Hall AB 

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